This section explains how to deploy and maintain production (and production-ish) versions of TerriaJS applications like TerriaMap. Before tackling this section, read Getting Started to learn how to build and run TerriaMap locally.
Deploying TerriaMap itself:
- Deploying TerriaMap: General instructions for deploying TerriaMap in almost any environment.
- Deploying to AWS: Deploy TerriaMap to Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Deploying with Kubernetes: Deploy TerriaMap using Docker and Kubernetes.
Deploying other services for use with TerriaJS:
- Setting Up a Region Mapping Server: Set up a server for use with TerriaJS's region mapping feature.
- Setting Up Geoserver: Configure GeoServer for effective use with TerriaJS.
Using a TerriaMap in other applications:
- Using as a CKAN Previewer: Use TerriaJS as a previewer for geospatial data in a CKAN site.
- Controlling with URL Parameters: Control a TerriaJS application by passing it URL parameters. This is powerful because it enables another site to launch or embed a customized map with little or no code to write.
- Controlling in an <iframe> or Popup: Embed a TerriaJS application in iframe or pop it up in a separate window, and control it by posting it cross-window messages.